
Breaking Out of the Cocoon

Breaking out of the Cocoon is a major initiative by the Shequal Foundation to address the underrepresentation of Nepalese women in the labor force, particularly in leadership positions, especially within the tech industry. The program focuses on empowering undergraduate female students studying tech and tech management in public colleges by equipping them with industry-driven skill sets, including interpersonal skills, hard skills, and job readiness skills. With the successful pilot implementation in seven public colleges across three provinces, the program has already seen positive outcomes, with 68% of graduates securing placements in national and international organizations.

At a Glance

Aspects Covered

Economic Empowerment,Health and Lifestyle


Total Number of Participants



Female undergraduate students from public colleges


  • Career Selection.
  • Interpersonal Skills.
  • Hard Skills and Mentorship.
  • Job Readiness Skills.
  • Commemoration Ceremony


  • Personalized career planning for long-term success.
  • Multidisciplinary training for in-demand skills.
  • Job readiness through comprehensive mentorship.
  • Networking and mentorship from industry experts.
  • Celebrate achievements and seize career opportunities.
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“Hacking for an Empowered Nepal” is a comprehensive initiative that revolves around crucial themes, namely governance, art and culture, economic empowerment, health and lifestyle, and sustainability in Nepal. Participants in this initiative will delve deep into these vital domains, crafting innovative solutions intended to catalyze tangible, positive change and empowerment across Nepal.